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    Salesperson Location Tracking

    Clobz Sales / Salesperson Location Tracking

    Salesperson Location Tracking

    What is Salesperson Location Tracking?

    Salesperson location tracking software enables businesses to monitor their employees’ daily activities, providing insights into covered territories, and generated leads.
    This software is invaluable for analyizing sales team productivity in territory management,lead generation, and lead conversion. Leveraging data from the location tracking app facilitates identifying aread for improvement and necessary adjustments.

    Clobz Sales App helps you stay updated on the locations of your field employees

    Easily track the location of your field employees.​
    Check the distance and routes travelled by the field sales representatives.
    Monitor the daily tasks of field employees.
    Gain insights into your sales representative’s visit details and meeting locations.

    Benefits of Salesperson Location Tracking

    Geofences can be set up around customer locations to track and verify sales leads.
    Utilizing a location-tracking solution facilitates smoother meeting arrangements. Being aware of your field personnel’s whereabouts or their en route status to a client meeting simplifies appointment scheduling.​​
    Auto-estimate the distance travelled by your field reps during work hours, and reimburse them accordingly.​​
    Capture Employee Locations that know the whereabouts of your employees or field reps, and understand if they have visited the assigned customers or outlets.​​
    Keeping an eye on your sales team and monitoring their activities would enhance your sales team’s productivity.​​